Catalyst Handling & Mechanical Service


Offshore facilities need to be efficient, reliable und most importantly – SAFE. This presents real issues for CPP owners and FSPO operators facing greater challenges. Addressing these complex and interrelated issues means constantly looking for smarter, more cost-effective ways to operate and maintain their facilities without compromising quality and safety.

BerCom Services and HPA support owners and operators of offshore facilities worldwide with our advanced offshore catalyst handling service comprising highly trained personnel and our equipment are design specific for offshore operations in compliance to the safety standards.




The objective of dense loading is to achieve the maximum loading amount possible of catalyst into a fixed given volume of a vessel. This can only be achieved when there is the least possible number of void fractions placed into that given space. This will ensure uniform and homogenous flow. The dense loaded density of a catalyst can be reasonably predicted to within 3% of the optimum value by conducting an accurate laboratory test. 
HPA have a focused division on using our proprietary HYDROPAC® Catalyst Dense Loading System by bringing a much-required alternative to the Oil & Petrochemical Industry. Our DL specialists undergo rigorous and continuous training to get the perfect load. The Hydropac have proven to be a world leader in the dense loading requirements and success for much of our clients.


HPA`s unique and registered designed, the HYDROPAC, utilizes a compound disk which is responsible for the fast and even loading profile. The design allows the loader to operate just beneath the trays and to load tp maximum height. The HYDROPAC`s RPM can easily be adjusted, while loading, to allow the catalyst to load just inside the wall. It has an adjustable center gap, which ensures that the proper profile also extends tio the center of the bed.

The HYDROPAC`S rotation is reversible for loading around transfer tubes and other internal obstructions that may be present eliminating the shadow effect. This function is imperative to avoid maldistribution of the top of the bed. HPA`s HYDROPAC in the only loader that provides all the benefits to ensure a perfect load.



  • Tighter and more uniform catalyst packing, resulting in better reactant flow distribution in the trickle flow regime as used in Hydro-processing.
  • Catalyst beds do not sag/change flow patterns during the course of a run.
  • More catalyst is loaded into each bed because of the higher loading density, resulting in longer runs.
  • Direction of rotation is reversible, which is important for loading around Transfer Tubes to avoid shadowing.
  • Can load the catalyst bed higher due to its unique design, positioned 6” below the Distributor Tray.
  • The unique design allows the bed profile to be viewed continuously from the trays manway (no whips obstructing the drop-lights when lowered to inspect the bed profile during loading).
  • Has no centre shaft obstruction to the centre of the bed when loading, critical to achieve maximum uniformity of the catalyst particles, to lay horizontal across the entire bed as the catalyst is loaded.


UNIPAC is a simple and fast loading technology for loading reformer tubes with catalyst applicable to tube size from 3 to 10“ internal diameter. UNIPAC requires no pre-sacking of catalyst and no vibration of the reformer tubes. UNIPAC combines being a high quality and fast loading technology. Reloading of tubes is normally avoided and less Catalyst is wasted.

UNIPAC principle: Catalyst is loaded into the tube and the loading rope is gradually pulled out of the tube as the catalyst layel builds up. The brushes with flexible Springs reduce the speed of the catalyst particles so that breakage is avoided. The catalyst particles are loaded without bridges and unnecessary voids, hence there is no need for vibration.

By applying the UNIPAC technology the loading time of the primary reformer can be substantially reduced whilst maintaining high quality loading. 




  • Fast reformer loading
  • No presocking of catalyst
  • No vibration of the tubes Uniform pressure drop Less waste of catalyst
  • No bridging or extra voilds:

– Minimises hot spots

– Reduces catalyst settling

  • High uniform density:

– Lower tube wall temp

– Prolonged tube life

– Increase reforming capacity



Catalytic reactors contain more and more critical internals and high-tech

distribution and quench zones. Technical control on modern catalytic reactors

and chemical processes require high-tech solutions. New developments in

distribution trays, thermocouples and quench sections increase the need for

highly skilled technicians for their installation and maintenance.

A lot of experience has been gained over the last 30 years in mechanical

maintenance at very complex reactors like; ammonia converters, Parex units, Platforming reactors and CCR units.

These complex units often need a “tailor-made” approach.

These mechanical services are offered by HPA in combination with the wishes and desires of our clients.